Strength and Skills Podcast International

Strength and Skills Podcast International

Ep.81 How hard is hard enough and what's the best frequency?

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Talking frequency but also talking about how that might change in your training career and how different hard training can be considered depending on where you are at in your training career. Rado is back and this is a lovely conversation of the two of us talking about frequency, hard training and how all this changes over the years and by your strength levels also depending on your life circumstances.

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Contact Nik on Instagram: @nik_tibu

Contact Rado on Instagram: @Rado_bosic

For a tag on Instagram: @StrengthandSkillsPodcast


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About this podcast

This is the first Calisthenics/Streetworkout/Streetlifting Podcast in the World.
Runned by Nik Tibusek and Rado Bosic

by Rado Bosic & Nik Tibusek


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