Strength and Skills Podcast International

Strength and Skills Podcast International

84. Same Shit different Shirt

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A fireside chat of Rado and Nik on how different people progress when they start doing the right things at the right time. What is needed to increase progress dastically and how to stay on that gaintrain for years.

EP.83 How to build a big booty

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Thank us later - we did it!
Explaining in detail how to actually join the peach gang. What exercises really work, how to iplement the into training and what repranges you need. And as an add on - discussing volume and intensity for certian booty building exercices. We got your back.

EP.82 Mental Competition Preparation

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In this Episode Rado is reporting about his past first powerlifting event and what he changed this time in his mental preparation for the competition. As he was able to go into the competition without being nervous or anxious at all. We are talking about the approach towards a copetition and how you can develop this self convidence on your way to your next competition. Enjoy and keep your peace of mind.

Ep.81 How hard is hard enough and what's the best frequency?

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Talking frequency but also talking about how that might change in your training career and how different hard training can be considered depending on where you are at in your training career. Rado is back and this is a lovely conversation of the two of us talking about frequency, hard training and how all this changes over the years and by your strength levels also depending on your life circustances.

EP. 80 Building the Ultimate Athlete

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What's the Ultimate Athlete for you?
To me it's an Athlete who runs fast, lifts heavy weights and controls the body.
A very holistic style I guess but IMO the very best.
Building yourself into a not only good but great looking monster capable to tackle any obstacle in the way. That's the spirit.

Ep.79 How to build muscle - Hypertrophy Talk

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Avoid these mistakes when you want to build muscle. This episode is about what we would advice to avoid when the goal is to build muscle. Telling from past mistakes and mistakes we have seen happening from clients we worked with.

Ep. 78 The most important ingredient for a training program

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Whats the one common thing advanced and beginner programs have in common? What's this one extremly valuable ingredient every program needs from the very beginning to the end of your training career? In this Episode Rado is back and bringing in a very good conversation about this highly important topic. To let you learn what's needed to progress better and faster.

Ep.76 How to maximize recovery

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An increased recovery will lead to just better results but why do we need to look not only on sleep and food what factors are all contributing to our recovery and what can we do to manage this better? This episode will help you with it!

🤝 Contact & follow :
📸Instagram: @StrengthandSkillspodcast
► Youtube: @StrengthandSkills

Contact Nik on Instagram: @nik_tibu -

Give us a follow on Instagram: @StrengthandSkillsPodcast

Ep.75 What I did to get into the best shape of my life

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In this episode Nik is sharing what he did to get in the best shape of his life. In this very personal episode you'll hear about his long way of dieting, building muscle and getting ready for a bodybuilding show. What mistakes he made and what he learned to make it finally happen to be in the best shape of his life.
🤝 Contact & follow :
📸Instagram: @StrengthandSkillspodcast
► Youtube: @StrengthandSkills

Contact Nik on Instagram: @nik_tibu -

Give us a follow on Instagram: @StrengthandSkillsPodcast

About this podcast

This is the first Calisthenics/Streetworkout/Streetlifting Podcast in the World.
Runned by Nik Tibusek and Rado Bosic

by Rado Bosic & Nik Tibusek


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